Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Old Media vs. New Media

New Media is just a transformation of already established and existing media, aka old media. Its a change, an innovation, a revision some even like to say. To me, it is like taking one thing and enhancing it to be the same yet different. Different types of Old Media are TV/film, radio, magazines, books, music, photography, etc. Now TV and movies have transitioned over to youtube, radio to podcast, books to wikis, and ebooks. Music to pandora and mashups, photography changed to Flickr, Picasa, and photoshop. People don't even read the newspaper or magazines as much anymore because there reading blogs and what the world now calls "ezines." Everything has been enhanced to some other version all to be seen and used on the Internet.

Friday, September 18, 2009

How News Media Effects the Entertainment Industry

The topic I chose for my research paper is How News Media Effects the Entertainment Industry. Before I explain what I will be writing about and the approach I am going to take, I figured I'd start off by adding a personal note.

Today, entertainment in whatever form it may come is everywhere. On TV, in magazines and newspapers, on the radio, we are constantly hearing about celebrities and the gossip, movies, music, etc. We all watch TV, we all listen to the radio at some point while driving in our cars or shopping in a store, and yes believe it or not, we all occasionally take a glance at the magazine title of Us Weekly or People. This may be Old Media, but it all becomes New Media once we read it or look it up on the Internet, or socialize about it on Facebook or Twitter.

This is why I thought this would be an interesting topic to research and write about. I am going to talk about how News Media plays such an important role into the Entertainment Industry and how it effects the lives of the entertainers and the viewers/listeners.

What is New Media?

According to Wikipedia, New media is a term meant to encompass the emergence of digital, computerized, or networked information and communication technologies in the later part of the 20th century. Also called social media, the new media are internet-based technologies that characterize what we call the “5 c’s.” The “5 c’s” are communication, collaboration, community, creativity, and convergence.

Some kinds of technologies that are part of the new media are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Badoo, etc. Many of these technologies are how people connect with one another and/or socialize.

Internet is very important to the new media because is basically like the motherload of it all. Without the Internet, none of the previously mentioned would be possible. Everything is done on computers now, you can even order a pizza online these days.

New Media is replacing old media, because everything that is and was tangible is all on the Internet now. Journalism is turning into blogs, radio to podcasts, film to youtube, photography to flickr, photoshop, and picasa. These are only a few of the many replacements of old media to new media.

Citings: Friedman, Linda. “Old Media, New Media.” 2009. Baruch College. 7 Sept 2009.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just a little something that I watched and thought was pretty funny. Those who grew up around music, whether singing or playing an instrument, will most likely relate to this guy. And if you didn't, it's just a good laugh.