Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

I think that Virtual Worlds is a great place for the imagination and one's creative outlet. It gives people a chance to use their imagination and do things that one cannot do in "real life." For example, fly. It allows you to open up a world for yourself that you may not have or be able to have in the real world, but through imagination, it can provide similiar satisfaction. For example, In the Youtube video "A second life on second life," the woman describes what it is like to have a disability, and creating an avatar for herself in the virtual world, allows her to do things that she physically cannot like walk, dance, jump, etc. This is another reason how virtual worlds can help people. This woman learned more about her disability and shared stories with other "avatars," with similiar disabilities and different ones as well. Virtual Worlds allow users to explore the environment and interact with other people and information. Like social networking, its a place where people can communicate and share ideas by developing their own simulations and models. These virtual worlds allow players to create individuated characters with unique identities, and sometimes be someone they want to be but are not. By saying that, I'm not trying to imply that being your own person is wrong, because each and every individual should find happiness within themselves and who they are, but with societies pressures, people are constantly trying to be someone there not. A virtual world in a way can help an individuals self-esteem, as crazy as that may sound. By acting through avatars, players take on a role distinct from yet related to their own identity. This allows players to create public characters who think and act as members of a community, rather than just being a private individual like they may be in real life. Also, The avatar can choose to behave in ways that the avatars creator might not.

The only dark side that I can see a virtual world having is similiar to the above, basically having to do with psychology. A person may get great joy from creating an avatar because of the many reasons I mentioned earlier, but in some cases it can lead to a false sense of reality. The person might be come so wrapped up in their " second life" on the computer, that they neglect importants aspects of their real, actual life. They can become so fascinated with their avatars character, that they forget who they are. This is probably a rare case for most people, but it is possible and one of the negative aspects I could see virtual worlds having.

Virtual worlds create a community of people and the participants can learn as much from eachother as from talking to any official source of information. Just like in social networking, it can bring to the surface a world of new ideas and evolve people's commitment to a better community.

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